Saturday, September 22, 2007

Parting Words...

Stephen Bates, religion writer for the Guardian, is packing it in. I have always enjoyed his perspective, and he gives one last parting shot toward this week's house of Bishops gathering...

They are the sort of people who claim themselves so superior to their bishops that they won’t allow them to touch them for ordination, or who would not allow the Archbishop of Canterbury to preach from their pulpits (they should be so lucky) for fear that he might dangerously challenge the comfortable beliefs of their flocks, the sort of people who pick and choose the sins that are acceptable and condemn those – always committed by other, lesser people – that are not. Why is remarrying divorced people now OK – allowing them to continue fornicating – but not recognising the lifelong commitment of gay people to each other? Why does the Bishop of Carlisle happily bless nuclear submarines and, for all I know, dogs and cats, but not the unions of people who wish to demonstrate their devotion to each other for ever?

God speed, Brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Just another reason I'd be an evangelical if it were not for evangelicals.