Monday, August 27, 2007

The Daily Office

I have often dreamt of having the offices prayed daily in the churches I have served. So why not? Derek Olsen, a good blogger in my meager opinion, address the issue, with some interesting responses...

...but during the week [the Episcopal Church] sat quiet and empty. I would much rather have had Lil’ H run about, gleefully scattering cake donut crumbs (bad choice in retrospect…) in the midst of an Episcopal Morning Prayer service, but it wasn’t an option for us. And I wonder why not. Oh—certainly I understand that there are reasons—but still I wonder…

Read the rest here...especially the comments.

You talk, talk, talk about it...

You talk as if you's not just a song from 10,000 Maniacs. The Rev. Giles Fraser is criticising the Global south primates for their unwillingness to do just that....

This is the right thing to do, for it is just this sort of risky talk, often clandestine, that led to peace in Northern Ireland. No peace will ever come without a willingness to sit around a table and talk.

Check out his commentary in a recent Church Times.